How to be Nicer to Yourself

…Something I am great at coaching others to do but horrible at myself.

Kelley Jhung
3 min readJan 18, 2022
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

“I blew it,” my friend Jen declared after giving a presentation at work. “I’m a horrible public speaker.”

”Go easy on yourself,” I responded. “You’re smart, you get along with everyone, you’re easy to work with. Stop beating yourself up.”

“Yeah but public speaking is petrifying and I let it get to me. I feel like such an impostor. They probably don’t like me anymore.”

“You are NOT an imposter. People at work love you. Stop talking to yourself like that. It’s abusive!”

I couldn’t understand how she could be so hard on herself, so self-critical. If only she could see herself as I see her. She is highly qualified as a scientist, she’s fun to be around, she’s interesting to talk to. Anyone would want her as a friend or co-worker.

I am really good at coaching other people to be easier on themselves. To stop their negative self-talk. To focus on their positive qualities.

I mean, life is short, right? Why pick yourself apart when you don’t need to?

We are all good at something. We all matter.

Don’t we?



Kelley Jhung

Writer. Advocate. Truth seeker. Perpetually curious over-analyzer.